ALL ARE WELCOME Pre-Order + Books for Title 1 Schools

All Are Welcome, in stores, July 10th!

All Are Welcome, in stores, July 10th!

I'm counting down the days 'til the release of my newest book, ALL ARE WELCOME, illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman. And I have a special pre-order proposal to share with you to benefit Title 1 schools...

A little background: both Suzanne's and my children attend Title 1 schools in New York and Seattle. Eighty percent of children in my son's school speak a different language at home. It's not unusual to see kids in hijabs and yarmulkes playing with friends in baseball caps in the school yard. We feel so fortunate to be part of school communities that celebrate diversity and foster inclusivity for hundreds of students each day.

Suzanne and I are committed to supporting Title 1 schools however we can and so I'm offering a special pre-order incentive for writers' groups.

-Do you have a writers' group?

-Would you be interested in having me visit your group for a 30 minute publishing chat/ask me anything session via Skype?

-Would you like to help me get books to Title 1 schools? 

-If you've answered yes to all of these questions, great! Here's what you'll need to do:

-Reach out to me at allarewelcomebook [at], subject: "Title 1 Pre-order" 

-Let me know how many people will be joining for the session. I ask that you order one copy per person joining, minimum 5 copies, please. But if you have a larger group, let's talk, we can make it a longer session that's either all q&a or I can do a talk on a topic of interest or first pages or query critiques. I'm flexible!

-I hook you up with an NYC-based independent bookstore for the pre-order and we'll distribute the books you ordered to classrooms for back-to-school. (If there's an independent bookstore in your area you'd like to work with, we can do that instead.) We set an evening or weekend time for our Skype visit.

-We have a lovely book talk & Title 1 schools get books.

-You & your writing group members will also be eligible to a one-of-a-kind original art piece by Suzanne Kaufman of your child’s school or their class. One winner will be randomly chosen on or about July 10, 2018 from all entries received. Full details here.

Limited slots available! Please reach out to pre-order before 7/9.


All Are Welcome Cover.jpg


My next book, All Are Welcome, illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman, will be published on July 10, 2018! Suzanne and I are so excited about this book. It’s inspired by our children’s schools in Brooklyn and Seattle and it’s full of kids and families of all different backgrounds from our own lives. It has a gatefold—that's where the pages fold out to make a HUGE four page spread—and the cover comes off and can be used as a poster. We can’t wait to share it with you!

In celebration of our book we’ve put together some fun incentives to pre-order...

From now until July 9, 2018, if you pre-order, All Are Welcome, and email a proof of purchase (either your email receipt or a photo of the receipt from your local store and your mailing address to allarewelcomebook [at], we'll send you screen savers from the book and a file with printable bookmarks and bookplates. If you've already ordered the book, AWESOME! Send us that receipt.

And here's the BIGGIE: Everyone that sends us proof of their pre-order will be entered to win a one-of-a-kind original art piece by Suzanne Kaufman of your child’s school or their class. I mean, check out these end papers below and just imagine your child's school!

One winner will be randomly chosen on or about July 10, 2018 from all entries received. 

Are you ready? Here are some places you can pre-order All Are Welcome: IndieBound | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Powell's | BAM 



So....why pre-order?

I'm glad you asked! There are lots of reasons to pre-order books you're excited about:

You’ll get the book right when it comes out (sometimes your book will even ship early)!

When you pre-order a book you help the author and illustrator—no, seriously you do. Publishers and bookstores pay attention to pre-orders. It helps the publisher know if they need to print more books. It helps the bookstores see the types of books their community is excited about.

If you want to get this book any way and do it now, it helps us and you get cool stuff. Everyone wins!

If you’d like a signed copy personalized by me, please order from either Books of Wonder or Terrace Books. If there’s a special message you’d like, please note it with your order from those stores.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for events and more news!